Plus84 provides a variety of services to solve the business challenges of companies in Vietnam and abroad.
We connect Vietnamese enterprises with global opportunities, offering a suite of services that tackle the unique business challenges of both local and international companies. We specialize in facilitating foreign investment into the Vietnamese market and empowering local businesses to expand their reach worldwide through strategic marketing and sales support.

About us

Plus84 orchestrates a dynamic business ecosystem, integrating expertise from IT, international human resources, education, and investment consulting. We tailor our diverse service offerings to meet the unique challenges of businesses in Vietnam and globally. Our core areas of focus- management consulting, recruitment, and marketing – drive the promotion of international trade and strategic expansion. We deliver actionable insights by analyzing economic trends and conducting thorough market and consumer research in Vietnam and elsewhere. Rely on Plus84 for strategic guidance and reliable support as you navigate the complexities of trade with Vietnam.

Past achievements and clients

At Plus84, we harness over a decade of expertise in technology and digital marketing to empower industry leaders across consultant and training, media, and technology sectors. With a seasoned team of over 30 top experts, we have successfully completed more than 200 projects by employing a philosophy of flexible and lean management. Our comprehensive consulting services, ranging from strategic management and recruitment to media strategies, are instrumental in driving international trade and fostering global connections. Trust Plus84 to navigate complex business challenges and turn them into growth opportunities. Let us help you achieve measurable success and strategic expansion in the global market.